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Beitrag von Stardragon »

Ich mach mal einen eigenen Thread auf für die bessere Übersicht. Der OSSC Pro ist ein Scaler für Retro-Konsolen und der Nachfolger des OSSC. Beide sind Open Source Projekte.
OSSC Pro – It’s happening!

The OSSC Pro is finally getting the launch it deserves, after languishing on the sidelines for years due to the global component shortage. The design, case and other details have been finalised for some time, however the price of components meant that a launch was unfeasible. Thankfully, the market has stabilised enough now so that we can bring the unit out at a realistic price.

An OSSC Pro in prototype case. This prototype has existed since 2022

Firstly, let’s get this most commonly asked question out of the way. Will the OSSC Pro output 4k? – No, OSSC Pro is not competing with newer 4k scalers like PixelFX Morph. It will have real 2560x1440 output (without pixel repetition), but it won’t have 4k (3840x2160@60hz 10bpc) now or in the future. A 2880x2160@60 output mode (using pixel repetition) is also being tested. This mode is, of course, not true 4k and may only work with certain displays. All possible roadmaps for a 4k capable firmware on the unit have been explored and unfortunately there is no way for this to happen effectively. New hardware would be required.

OSSC Pro is positioned to mid-range of the market between RetroTINK 5x and the upcoming 4K scalers. OSSC Pro has several advantages over the RetroTINK 5x, including:-

Digital video input
VGA input
Wide compatibility with computers and consoles
Support for PC resolutions, medium resolution etc
Character OLED display (no trying to switch modes blind if you accidentally select a mode that your display doesn’t support)
120hz and black frame insertion (BFI) modes
Better downscaling (easier to configure on OLED and more output options)
Advanced downscaling (want to downscale to PAL 60? Now you can!)
Pure and adaptive line multiplier modes
USB port (for controlling external devices, attaching game controllers and other future possibilities, please note these functions are not yet implemented)
Expansion card socket for additional input and output options
240p/480i pass-through
Wider range of output resolutions (up to 2880x2160@60 with pixel repetition and 1080i modes for HD-CRTs)

Just like RetroTINK 5x, the OSSC pro also has:-

Motion adaptive deinterlacer
Frame buffer modes to prevent signal drop on games that switch resolutions on the fly
Scanlines, shadow mask and other filters
Wide compatibility with TVs, monitors etc
HDR injection
Profile support

The OSSC Pro is more powerful than the RetroTINK 5x on paper, however Mike Chi has polished the RetroTINK 5x’s firmware extensively, while OSSC Pro’s firmware development is only just getting started. Currently the RetroTINK 5x has these features that OSSC Pro does not:-

Composite and S-Video support
Additional deinterlacing modes (e.g reverse 2:2 telecine)
Slightly less lag in framebuffer modes

All these features can and hopefully will come to OSSC Pro, but we don’t have a time frame just yet, so if they are important to you we would suggest sticking with the RetroTINK 5x. Sadly, VGP will no longer be stocking RetroTINK products so, for those of you in Europe especially, ordering the RetroTINK 5x could be somewhat more expensive now.

We understand that the lack of composite and S-video will be a disappointment for many and we aim to have options for you as soon as possible. Of course you can use a Koryuu or similar device to add this functionality but this is far from ideal. Full support for these formats is planned but again please do not order the OSSC Pro if you need this functionality as we have no idea when it will be added.

We are hoping to launch OSSC Pro in November this year, so be sure to follow us using your favourite social media platform for more announcements if you are interested in the project. The price is not yet confirmed but is expected to be around $330 (US dollars) which is competitive with devices of a similar specification.
Der OSSC Pro istjetzt (noch) bei VGP aus Irland erhältlich, verkauft sich ziemlich schnell. 3 Stück sind noch auf Lager

Mit Steuern + Versand: 360€ für den blanken OSSO Pro, 383€ mit Fernbedienung und Netzteil.
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Re: OSSC Pro

Beitrag von Stardragon »

Und ausverkauft. Markus hat zum Launch einen Stream gemacht.
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Re: OSSC Pro

Beitrag von Freudi93 »

Ich würde mich sogar für den interessieren. Was ich mich frag brennt bei dem das Bild wieder ein. Wenn ja schwindet mein Interesse :D
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Re: OSSC Pro

Beitrag von Stardragon »

Sollte nicht, das lag ja am Deinterlacing, bei dem alle anderen Scaler war besseres konnten. Wobei die auch das schlechtere konnten und das Problem auch da aufgetreten wäre. Aber warum sollte man das schlechtere Deinterlacing-Verfahren nehmen, wenn ein Scaler bessere kann? Der Pro kann jetzt auch besseres.

Schade, dass in dem Start-Stream nur vom Monitor abgefilmt wurde, da lässt sich vieles schwer beurteilen.
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Re: OSSC Pro

Beitrag von Freudi93 »

Eventuell wäre ich doch nicht abgeneigt mir den zu holen. Ich will aber aufs retrothink 4k und auf den Morph noch warten. So aktuell wärs mit Entscheidungs Technisch nicht wirklich möglich :)
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Re: OSSC Pro

Beitrag von Stardragon »

Die werden am Anfang so schwer zu bekommen sein. Beim Tink sieht es so aus, als ob der zu Anfang nur in den USA zu bekommen sein wird. Wer den günstiger über den Dragon Box Shop ohne Importkosten haben will, wird vermutlich länger warten müssen.
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